Specialists for you

At the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec, we are committed to promoting quality care and services for the population and supporting Quebec's medical specialists.
Face à la machine, innover pour mieux vous soigner
Objectif soigner

Face à une bureaucratie déshumanisante qui complique l'accès aux soins, les médecins spécialistes du Québec ne baissent jamais les bras. Leur engagement, leur résilience et leur expertise en font les défenseurs des patients. Ils façonnent un avenir où chaque patient est traité avec la qualité de soins et le respect qu'il mérite.

En savoir plus
17es JFI | Inscrivez-vous maintenant!

Les 17es Journées de formation interdisciplinaire (JFI) se tiendront les vendredi 15 et samedi 16 novembre 2024 à Montréal. Cet événement constitue une occasion unique de perfectionner vos compétences et d'échanger avec des experts de divers domaines.

Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant!
Our profession

Our medical specialists are health professionals who have pursued many years of study in one of the medical specializations, in order to be able to offer cutting edge and quality care to the Quebec

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Le Spécialiste (in French only)
Changements climatiques et écoanxiété
Il suffit de faire une courte recherche sur Internet pour recenser des milliers de références à l’écoanxiété. Deux médecins spécialistes, témoins de violentes catastrophes au début de leur carrière, partagent leurs réflexions quant à la portée des grands bouleversements environnementaux sur la santé mentale et proposent une façon positive d’aborder la question.


Find a medical specialist

Would you like to have a first consultation with a medical specialist? Please note that you must first consult a primary care physician, which is a general practitioner. They will assess your state of health and refer you to a medical specialist if necessary.

Don't have a family doctor?

Refer to a resource that offers medical consultations without an appointment. Register with the Quebec Family Doctor Finder (GAMF).

Looking for a specific medical specialist?

If you are looking for a specific medical specialist and you know his or her name, you will find their contact information in the directory of the Collège des médecins du Québec.

You can also visit the website of their medical association; some medical specialist associations have a directory of their members.

Getting advice related to a health issue

We cannot answer medical questions or comment on patients' medical records. For information related to a health issue, consult a physician.

If you would like to learn more about medical specialties, visit the Our Specialists page.

File a complaint

If you have experienced a problem during an episode of care and wish to file a complaint, contact the local service quality and complaints commissioner of the establishment where you received health services. Alternatively, you can contact the Collège des médecins du Québec, which is the professional order of physicians in Quebec.

Have a training activity accredited

You can do so through the FMSQ, which is an organization accredited by the Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ) and the Committee on Accreditation of Continuing Medical Education (CACME) of the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC). The FMSQ is also an organization providing continuing professional development (CPD) activities accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. As such, it can accredit training activities.

The FMSQ only grants continuing education credits for activities organized by a recognized physician organization (for example: the council of physicians, dentists and pharmacists (CPDP) of a hospital centre, a hospital department, a scholarly society of physicians, an association or federation of physicians).

For more information, visit the Accreditation of a training activity page.

Update my contact information

If you are a medical specialist who is a member of the FMSQ and wish to update your contact information, log on to the secure section and go to the Edit my profile page.

Login to the secure section of the website

The secure section of our website is reserved for FMSQ members, i.e., medical specialists practicing in the Quebec public health network.

You are a member of the FMSQ and are unable to connect to your account? Make sure you have entered your username and password in the fields provided. If you have forgotten your password, you can request a reset.

Still not working? Contact us and select the subject Access to the website.

Advertising to our members

The Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec publishes targeted advertising in its magazine Le Spécialiste and job postings on its website (member section). Under no circumstances does it share the list of its members. For more information on this subject, please contact us, making sure to select the subject Magazine Le Spécialiste and advertising.