Medical staff

Medical specialists in Quebec are available throughout the province to treat you. Thanks to medical staff plans (MSP), they are distributed among the province's institutions according to priority needs, in order to promote access to specialized medical services for the population in each region.

Some statistics

Demographic data
By speciality (from associations) Number Average age Men Women
Allergie et immunologie 82 49 38 44
Anesthésiologie 793 48 473 320
Biochimie médicale 55 57 33 22
C.C.V.T. 65 57 58 7
Cardiologie 495 51 357 138
Chirurgie 530 49 312 218
Chirurgie orthopédique 384 50 306 78
Chirurgie plastique 115 49 73 42
Chirurgie vasculaire 49 48 31 18
Dermatologie 200 47 66 134
Endocrinologie 203 50 68 135
Gastro-entérologie 274 47 148 126
Génétique médicale 39 53 21 18
Gériatrie 136 44 41 95
Hématologie et oncologie 373 48 176 197
Microbiologie et infectiologie 211 50 103 108
Médecine d'urgence 212 47 138 74
Médecine interne 754 46 409 345
Médecine nucléaire 107 51 80 27
Médecine préventive 183 54 77 106
Neurochirurgie 86 50 69 17
Neurologie 307 50 167 140
Néphrologie 230 48 102 128
Obstétrique-gynécologie 529 48 128 401
Ophtalmologie 341 49 185 156
Oto-rhino-laryngologie 249 50 151 98
Pathologie 268 50 120 148
Physiatrie 91 49 36 55
Pneumologie 287 49 155 132
Psychiatrie 1212 50 513 699
Pédiatrie 770 48 214 556
Radio-oncologie 143 48 67 76
Radiologie diagnostique 674 48 396 278
Rhumatologie 153 47 57 96
Urologie 187 49 144 43
Total 10787 49 5512 5275
Geographical data
Region Number of medical specialists
Bas-Saint-Laurent (01) 238
Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (02) 316
Capitale-Nationale (03) 1306
Mauricie (04) 339
Estrie (05) 615
Montréal (06) 4428
Outaouais (07) 291
Abitibi-Témiscamingue (08) 155
Côte-Nord (09) 64
Nord-du-Québec (10) 12
Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine (11) 98
Chaudière-Appalaches (12) 394
Laval (13) 375
Lanaudière (14) 382
Laurentides (15) 450
Montérégie (16) 1170
Centre-du-Québec (17) 154
Distribution by gender
Gender Number of medical specialists %
Female 5275 48.9
Male 5512 51.1
Types of practice
Types of practice Number of medical specialists %
Medical specialists with an office practice only 651 6.04
Medical specialists with a hospital practice only 7778 72.11
Medical specialists with mixed practice (both hospital and office) 2358 21.86

Details on the methodology

The data in these tables include only physicians currently in practice (under the Quebec health insurance plan) who have at least one main place of practice in a hospital centre or private medical clinic.

Even though the data is updated daily, it is possible that a disparity exists between the information collected and managed by the FMSQ and that of other institutions in the health network (Collège des médecins du Québec, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec, Canadian Institute for Health Information, etc.).

Incomplete information on a physician's chart can also result in inaccurate overall statistics. For example, if a physician has not provided their date of birth, the age entered in the database will be 0, which will have an impact on the overall average age, both for their specialty and for all medical specialists.