Medical biochemist
The medical biochemistry specialist acts as the person responsible for managing the biochemistry laboratory in a hospital centre. They act as expert consultants to their physician colleagues and patients for various conditions and pathologies related to metabolism. Their work consists of providing the best possible tools for the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of patients. They determine more precisely the conditions that must be met to ensure that the analyses performed on your biological fluids are as accurate as possible and they are also a reference for the interpretation of your laboratory tests.
C.P. 216, succ. Desjardins
Montreal (Québec) H5B 1G8 Open in map
Savez-vous comment sont organisés les laboratoires médicaux au Québec et le rôle qu’ils jouent dans vos traitements médicaux?
Le Dr François Corbin, médecin biochimiste, vous l'explique, dans cette vidéo diffusée à l'occasion de la semaine nationale du laboratoire médical.